Howdy friends! Thanks for taking the time to learn a little about me. My name is Alaina Binfet and I’m the owner of wyOMing Yoga & Wellness. As a yoga instructor and massage therapist, I guess you could say I have a passion for bodies! I’m dedicated to understanding how our bodies move and function and how we can keep them free of tension, pain, and injury.
With my background in massage and a degree in Health Science, I tend to focus more on alignment, anatomy, and physiology in my yoga classes, and I enjoy blending self-massage, fascial release, and various mobility and functional strength exercises into my vinyasa classes. So if you practice with me, expect to learn A LOT about how your body moves! I also love to teach the gentle, healing, and meditative type classes such as Restorative Yoga. I strongly believe that practicing yoga for one’s body is just as important as practicing for one’s spirit, and that yoga can be used as a natural approach to healing on many levels.
My own yoga journey began after experiencing a debilitating back injury that brought my high energy, high-impact lifestyle to a screeching halt. It wasn’t until a physician recommended I try yoga to help strengthen my back and core that I came to realize just how incredible the practice of yoga was. Not only did I begin noticing significant relief in my back pain, I also I started to see a major shift in my attitude. My short fuse started to seem a little longer and I wasn’t feeling as anxious or easily triggered by insignificant events – aka – road rage!
This discovery led me to taking a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training course that completely changed the way I approach life! I found myself feeling more grateful, empathetic, and compassionate in all of my relationships; including the most important one – my relationship with myself. Through this became inspired to open a yoga studio in Casper that emphasized these ideals rather than just focusing on the physical exercise. This was one of the greatest decisions I have ever made.
Through this studio I have met more amazing people than I can count; each who have contributed to my personal growth in some way. I continue to study yoga and am now a 500hr E-RYT and have co-created the Sadhana School of Yoga Teacher Training program with my teaching partner, Hannah Martinez. Together we strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for people to discover their own unique paths.
This studio is my baby. Having watched it grow from a little spark of an idea into the beautiful community space it is now – I can honestly say that it’s one of my proudest accomplishments. It has been an honor to be able to watch so many humans come here and evolve their practice. Being able to be a part of people’s personal, healing, or spiritual journeys is one of the greatest gifts my heart has ever received. I am truly honored to be able to do the work I do.
I share my life with my husband, two dogs, and dog-like cat. When I’m not at the studio you can usually find me playing outside or traveling to explore new places and experience all that this amazing life has to offer.