Gain muscle tone & strength as well as balance and increased flexibility. Notice an improvement in sleep, immune system, respiration, circulation, and energy levels, among many other physical benefits.
Yoga is a mind-body exercise effective for reducing stress, and improving brain function and mental health. Boost your memory and improve concentration. Yoga can also help relieve a range of symptoms found in common mental health disorders.
Yoga has been proven to be an effective way to manage anger, depression, and anxiety. Feel happier and find it easier to deal with stressful situations.
Find a deeper connection with yourself and others as you gain a better understanding of your own spiritual beliefs. Being established in your Self allows your inner peace to spread outward, and makes you a more responsible human being full of caring, sharing and love.
We are beyond excited to welcome a variety of wellness practitioners into our new building. Each practitioner conducts their own business from within their own space in the wyOMing Yoga & Wellness building.
We will never spam you, you'll hear from us once a month with all the details about studio happenings. Rest easy, your email address is also safe with us, as we will never share or sell it to 3rd parties.